Matriosk_ila new version

Two commissioned works, two paper dolls. The matrioska is a new version of my matrioskila; the boy is a new creation, inspired by the amazing "Crankbunny" by Norma V. Toraya ('m thinking about selling them on Etsy, what do you think?



  1. Bellissimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! Ci vediamo presto! Grazieeeeeeeee!

  2. woooow look at those, really inspiring!
    i love the patterns too...

    kisses hugs, hope you are enjoying your weekend, speak soon!

  3. Che bella idea! Potresti davvero farne delle cartoline e venderle su etsy cosi si possono utilizzare sia come bambole da costruire che come greeting cards :)


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